- 学业问题。我当时还是高中生吧,一周回家一天不到。不仅时间不太够,而且还有课内学业(硬要说我那会儿还有竞赛)。
- 能力不足。那时因为家里人反对我参加信息竞赛,我就没继续学算法改学各种乱七八糟的了。那会才刚开始呢,感觉自己还很稚嫩,什么也憋不出来。
- 矛盾心态。我因为写得很烂,很怕被别人看到后觉得好笑,但同时也很希望有人能鼓励我学下去。这种复杂又矛盾的心态在我每次写完一篇后想发布时,都让我犹豫了一下,最后还是删除文件才罢了。
- 憧憬前辈。我之前虽然放弃了写博客,但还是喜欢翻阅各大社区内的文章和各种前辈的个人博客。计算机科学本身就是一个内容浩大的学科,我也偏内向不善交流,大多数情况还是一个人摸着石头过河。但前辈们的文章能让我知道当前市场的方向,大开了眼界。与此同时也能得到诸多经验,例如学习完一天后浅浅阅读一会能恢复精神能量,这也让我养成了睡前阅读的习惯。
- 时间充裕。我是23届高考生,现就读于南京信息工程大学-自动化学院-数据科学与大数据技术专业(为什么大数据在自动化学院?我也一头雾水,好像是某位老师办的时候出了差错)。因为到大学了嘛,而且还是科班,时间还挺充裕的,就动了重写博客的心思。
- 回顾成长。我在高中三年成长了很多,因为我家人对我要求很严格嘛,所以不出意外的,我高中有点精神问题。但一切都过去了,反而现在的我十分自豪当初的自己能走出那段阴影。十分可惜的是,我当时没有在任何地方记录下我的心路历程,这让我十分懊恼。如果我能记录下来,相信每当我身处谷底之时,回顾我的当初,都会让我重新燃起希望,就像《Counting Stars》中的那句歌词一般"Everything that kills me makes me feel alive"。但为时未晚,大学也是人生中重要的一程,希望我今后能记录下我的成长之路,使我再无懊恼。
- 帮助学习。就如“费曼学习法”一样,我相信在我学习一段知识之后,能将其在博客中简洁地表达出来,会为我带来不少好处。同时,优质的输出也能推动我继续输入更多知识,形成良性循环。
- 整理知识。我大学后和我的一些老师聊过一些,他们大多数都认为我学得太杂了,建议我整理一下,而后选择一个方向。但是我深爱着计算机的一切,想着反正我平常几乎不打游戏,而且基础还算不错,大不了以FSD为目标,到研究生的时候再专精方向(我有点想往SRE发展)。但当我试图整理过去所学之时,我顿时感觉到了“人生三问”。因为我以前学习时多用纸质笔记记录,高考之后不知道被我扔到什么角落里去了,现在根本回忆不起来我的学习路线是怎么样的了。如果今后能在我的博客中记录下我的学习过程,相信就不会再闹这种乌龙了。(现在我也把笔记换成电子笔记了,试过了markdown,现在正在学习orgmode)
就如Nathan的一篇博客《You should blog even if you have no readers》所叙述的那样:
Spencer Fry wrote a great post on “Why entrepreneurs should write.” I would further add that the benefits of writing are so extraordinary that you should write a blog even if you have no readers (and regardless of whether you’re an entrepreneur).
I have over 50 unfinished drafts. Some of them are just a few ideas scribbled down arguing with myself. Most of them will never be published, yet I got value out of writing all of them.
Writing makes you a better reader
Blogging has changed how I read other people’s writing.
In struggling to find the right ways to structure and present my posts, I am much more attuned to what makes a good argument and what makes a bad argument. I am better at seeing holes in other people’s reasoning.
At the same time, when reading I am less likely to fall into the trap of discrediting a post with weak counterclaims. In most any post, there are likely to be counterclaims that are based on exceptional cases. Internet commenters love to point these out. However, these exceptional cases miss the main thrust of the post, and by understanding the implicit backdrop behind a post’s argument, I get a lot more value out of reading.
I’m also more aware of the style of good writers. I mentally take note of the ways good writers phrase their ideas. I’d always enjoyed Paul Graham’s writing, but now I really appreciate how he organizes his posts. He has an awesome ability to suck you into his world and show you what it looks like from his perspective. I’ve learned a lot about good writing from reading Bradford Cross’s blog; his posts have a clear arc and make excellent use of short paragraphs to keep the posts flowing.
Writing makes you smarter
Writing reveals holes in your thinking. When your ideas are written and looking back at you, they’re a lot less convincing than when they’re just in your head. Writing forces you to mature your ideas by thinking through counterarguments.
Writing helps you organize your thoughts in a coherent way. This makes you a much better conversationalist when these topics come up. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had deeper conversations with people because I had matured my ideas offline.
Consider anything else a side benefit
Everything else writing gives you – personal branding, networking, inbound opportunities – are just side benefits. They’re potentially very large side benefits, but they are not the main reason you should write.
You should write because writing makes you a better person.
You should follow me on Twitter here.
- 写作能锻炼我们的思辨能力,让我们能在阅读他人的博客和评论时能辩证地思考。
- 写作能迫使我们将大脑中片状的思维点组织成一条线性的思考过程,最后总结为庞大的思维网络。在让我们回顾知识点的同时,锻炼了我们的逻辑思维能力。
- 写作能提升我们在社区内的影响力,认识更多的人。
Just For Fun.